Okay ladies; it looks like we are about 1/3 of the way there with the cotton-ease blanket, so I propose that we try to finish it up in the next 10 days or so. Then a few days to mail & a few more to sew them up &
voila, we have a beautiful
hand knit blanket for a needy family this year!
I think a 5x7 blanket would be great -- that's 35 squares & we have (I think) 12 right now. I'm going to buy some cotton-ease myself to start a square this weekend. The colors are: snow, taupe, stone & charcoal. We had planned to use charcoal to seam up.
PLEASE let me know (by posting here, or emailing me at my username at yahoo.com) if you can participate, so we have an idea of how many blocks are coming in. :) We already have someone volunteering to pay postage for the blanket to travel to it's final destination.