Monday, June 11, 2007

same pattern for both blocks?

Should we do the same pattern for both of the blocks we do for each yarn type (assuming we each do 2) Or should it be different? I finished my first cottonease block so wondering if the second one should match or be a different pattern??


Cinnamonamon said...

I've been wondering the same thing...what's everyone else doing?

Abigail B. said...

I think different would be nice. I should start on some blocks I guess. Do we have a deadline?

Brandi said...

I dunno about the deadline. Also we need to figure out who is going to do the seaming and finishing.

Cinnamonamon said...

I was leaning towards different myself, just because I'm sure there are going to be blocks where you will finish & say "I never want to do another one of these again!" lol It wouldn't hurt to have some that are the same, though. ;)